-------------------------------- Storagenode stats for Th3Van ---------------------------------------- List updated @ 2022-12-15T00:01:01 CET - (hourly updated) Total earned USD for December (2022-12) : $1286.64 Estimated total earned USD for December (2022-12) : $2857.69 Monthly payouts zkSync wallet : https://zkscan.io/explorer/accounts/0x165a1da6f4d3c0555a9e1f94288a7e17bd14f7d1 Number of backup nodes online @ backup001.storj.dk : 70/128 ------------------------------------ Primary Storj nodes -------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------- PUT -------------------- ----------------- PUT_REPAIR ------------------ --------------------- GET --------------------- ----------------- GET_REPAIR ------------------ -------------- GET_AUDIT -------------- ----- Storage Used ------ Name Date (CEST) Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Bytes Server002 - 2022-12-14 - 55.823/55.942 99.787 % 28.566.343.634 6.051/6.052 99.983 % 107.721/110.372 97.598 % 8.239/8.239 100.000 % 3.431.770.368 233/233 100.000 % 59.648 6.201.609.119.314 Server003 - 2022-12-14 - 56.424/56.558 99.763 % 29.236.953.042 5.975/5.977 99.967 % 3.243.550.464 83.559/86.405 96.706 % 36.132.328.448 8.348/8.348 100.000 % 3.458.164.224 246/246 100.000 % 62.976 6.211.974.516.818 Server004 - 2022-12-14 - 56.421/56.541 99.788 % 29.040.970.194 6.156/6.156 100.000 % 3.321.204.480 93.167/95.737 97.316 % 40.817.526.016 8.136/8.136 100.000 % 245/245 100.000 % 62.720 6.194.832.007.762 Server005 - 2022-12-14 - 56.134/56.244 99.804 % 28.453.586.642 6.086/6.087 99.984 % 3.387.767.296 79.210/81.506 97.183 % 32.152.356.608 7.112/7.112 100.000 % 3.015.684.608 245/245 100.000 % 62.720 Server006 - 2022-12-14 - 56.164/56.305 99.750 % 28.523.317.970 6.237/6.237 100.000 % 3.400.396.544 84.225/86.952 96.864 % 38.635.764.736 8.197/8.197 100.000 % 3.354.752.256 228/228 100.000 % 58.368 6.128.510.247.250 Server007 - 2022-12-14 - 55.484/55.619 99.757 % 28.385.272.018 6.095/6.095 100.000 % 3.433.220.352 83.055/86.545 95.967 % 31.870.568.960 8.167/8.167 100.000 % 3.366.931.968 231/231 100.000 % 59.136 6.168.476.217.810 Server008 - 2022-12-14 - 56.407/56.568 99.715 % 28.514.847.442 6.045/6.045 100.000 % 3.269.906.944 76.687/79.035 97.029 % 26.623.918.080 8.332/8.332 100.000 % 3.388.202.752 242/242 100.000 % 61.952 Server009 - 2022-12-14 - 56.521/56.657 99.760 % 28.972.584.402 6.143/6.143 100.000 % 3.417.984.512 81.365/84.251 96.575 % 30.527.872.000 8.151/8.151 100.000 % 3.341.095.424 246/246 100.000 % 62.976 6.178.570.894.930 Server010 - 2022-12-14 - 56.756/56.925 99.703 % 28.730.418.642 6.055/6.056 99.983 % 3.445.932.032 77.178/79.891 96.604 % 25.169.889.280 8.308/8.308 100.000 % 263/263 100.000 % 67.328 6.260.694.067.666 Server011 - 2022-12-14 - 55.637/55.755 99.788 % 28.496.713.426 5.966/5.967 99.983 % 82.301/85.236 96.557 % 38.927.015.168 8.378/8.378 100.000 % 3.311.504.384 253/253 100.000 % 64.768 Server012 - 2022-12-14 - 56.014/56.164 99.733 % 28.845.686.738 6.024/6.024 100.000 % 3.262.664.960 77.059/79.431 97.014 % 25.167.390.464 8.375/8.375 100.000 % 3.517.733.632 246/246 100.000 % 62.976 6.255.671.162.194 Server013 - 2022-12-14 - 56.690/56.811 99.787 % 6.152/6.152 100.000 % 3.376.646.656 81.810/84.630 96.668 % 8.372/8.372 100.000 % 3.252.769.792 251/251 100.000 % 64.256 6.251.583.939.794 Server014 - 2022-12-14 - 56.439/56.575 99.760 % 6.172/6.172 100.000 % 3.347.570.432 94.635/97.190 97.371 % 33.710.588.160 8.697/8.697 100.000 % 3.472.864.000 265/265 100.000 % 67.840 Server015 - 2022-12-14 - 55.558/55.694 99.756 % 28.304.957.906 6.004/6.004 100.000 % 3.337.507.072 101.111/104.058 97.168 % 33.541.808.384 8.572/8.572 100.000 % 3.415.977.216 279/279 100.000 % 71.424 6.292.827.132.882 Server016 - 2022-12-14 - 55.474/55.625 99.729 % 28.524.067.538 6.010/6.010 100.000 % 3.353.370.112 81.149/83.557 97.118 % 8.519/8.519 100.000 % 3.331.866.624 224/224 100.000 % 57.344 6.254.342.265.426 Server017 - 2022-12-14 - 56.554/56.705 99.734 % 29.127.493.842 6.072/6.072 100.000 % 3.315.474.176 77.617/80.093 96.909 % 30.438.064.128 8.525/8.525 100.000 % 3.313.640.448 284/284 100.000 % 72.704 Server018 - 2022-12-14 - 56.237/56.424 99.669 % 28.927.826.642 6.117/6.117 100.000 % 3.346.299.648 79.232/81.727 96.947 % 34.293.711.872 8.463/8.465 99.976 % 239/239 100.000 % 61.184 6.256.721.856.338 Server019 - 2022-12-14 - 56.529/56.692 99.712 % 28.891.713.490 6.074/6.074 100.000 % 3.329.451.008 94.337/97.057 97.198 % 8.640/8.640 100.000 % 3.323.762.176 219/219 100.000 % 56.064 Server020 - 2022-12-14 - 56.197/56.346 99.736 % 28.819.838.674 6.157/6.157 100.000 % 3.366.259.200 77.077/79.569 96.868 % 27.536.886.016 8.570/8.570 100.000 % 3.550.525.184 254/254 100.000 % 65.024 6.268.812.643.666 Server021 - 2022-12-14 - 56.194/56.375 99.679 % 28.526.590.674 6.068/6.068 100.000 % 3.338.172.672 93.035/96.635 96.275 % 37.361.537.280 8.546/8.546 100.000 % 3.518.624.000 233/233 100.000 % 59.648 6.255.656.045.138 Server022 - 2022-12-14 - 56.760/56.916 99.726 % 29.234.924.242 5.976/5.977 99.983 % 3.214.433.280 77.583/80.197 96.741 % 8.497/8.497 100.000 % 3.512.255.232 252/252 100.000 % 64.512 6.277.664.198.738 Server023 - 2022-12-14 - 56.793/56.928 99.763 % 28.830.473.938 6.151/6.152 99.984 % 3.346.293.504 82.777/85.624 96.675 % 28.743.093.248 8.327/8.327 100.000 % 3.420.502.016 260/260 100.000 % 66.560 6.269.536.681.810 Server024 - 2022-12-14 - 55.577/55.723 99.738 % 28.545.267.666 5.971/5.971 100.000 % 83.901/86.600 96.883 % 29.242.891.264 8.560/8.560 100.000 % 3.360.573.184 241/241 100.000 % 61.696 6.228.979.295.698 Server025 - 2022-12-14 - 56.194/56.356 99.713 % 28.522.804.178 6.027/6.027 100.000 % 3.296.338.432 77.981/80.660 96.679 % 26.974.078.208 8.535/8.535 100.000 % 3.476.641.792 227/227 100.000 % 58.112 Server026 - 2022-12-14 - 56.484/56.589 99.814 % 28.878.176.978 6.076/6.076 100.000 % 3.420.613.632 90.544/93.893 96.433 % 38.632.412.672 8.395/8.395 100.000 % 3.392.156.672 223/223 100.000 % 57.088 6.229.315.708.114 Server027 - 2022-12-14 - 56.426/56.550 99.781 % 28.897.242.322 6.080/6.081 99.984 % 87.100/90.008 96.769 % 39.609.902.336 8.577/8.577 100.000 % 3.186.410.496 265/265 100.000 % 67.840 Server028 - 2022-12-14 - 55.236/55.347 99.799 % 28.617.724.882 6.023/6.024 99.983 % 3.404.282.368 83.484/85.853 97.241 % 36.691.799.552 8.419/8.421 99.976 % 3.416.205.056 253/253 100.000 % 64.768 6.303.544.409.298 Server029 - 2022-12-14 - 55.927/56.020 99.834 % 28.730.211.282 6.077/6.077 100.000 % 3.411.688.960 84.048/86.893 96.726 % 36.528.038.656 8.746/8.746 100.000 % 3.539.372.288 254/254 100.000 % 65.024 6.321.885.253.970 Server030 - 2022-12-14 - 56.438/56.641 99.642 % 28.895.381.202 5.951/5.954 99.950 % 3.365.267.712 84.331/87.917 95.921 % 43.040.598.272 8.146/8.146 100.000 % 3.166.356.480 244/244 100.000 % 62.464 6.266.350.402.386 Server031 - 2022-12-14 - 56.229/56.438 99.630 % 28.471.863.762 5.993/5.993 100.000 % 3.297.708.800 77.912/81.107 96.061 % 31.716.551.936 13.885/13.885 100.000 % 7.834.261.248 581/581 100.000 % 148.736 11.470.089.498.706 Server033 - 2022-12-14 - 55.732/55.849 99.791 % 28.674.204.626 5.907/5.907 100.000 % 3.045.356.800 87.560/89.826 97.477 % 37.612.353.280 14.624/14.652 99.809 % 9.243.549.952 641/642 99.844 % 164.096 14.566.675.128.402 Server034 - 2022-12-14 - 55.786/55.981 99.652 % 28.683.338.450 6.078/6.082 99.934 % 3.369.830.656 89.453/92.405 96.805 % 36.474.518.784 8.320/8.320 100.000 % 3.260.327.168 235/235 100.000 % 60.160 6.262.574.284.626 Server035 - 2022-12-14 - 56.344/56.561 99.616 % 28.664.464.338 6.022/6.028 99.900 % 3.413.757.440 90.388/94.044 96.112 % 42.241.701.888 8.623/8.623 100.000 % 3.545.797.120 245/245 100.000 % 62.720 6.274.687.748.562 Server036 - 2022-12-14 - 56.160/56.393 99.587 % 28.621.948.114 6.113/6.115 99.967 % 3.345.013.760 79.132/81.306 97.326 % 27.182.691.584 8.356/8.356 100.000 % 3.246.560.000 236/236 100.000 % 60.416 6.287.566.204.882 Server037 - 2022-12-14 - 56.371/56.538 99.705 % 28.838.425.554 6.060/6.061 99.984 % 3.422.712.320 100.567/103.092 97.551 % 33.625.042.176 8.484/8.484 100.000 % 3.432.503.040 263/263 100.000 % 67.328 6.323.492.558.034 Server038 - 2022-12-14 - 55.434/55.645 99.621 % 28.000.820.690 6.070/6.074 99.934 % 3.268.561.664 82.067/84.158 97.515 % 29.457.205.760 8.425/8.425 100.000 % 3.354.617.600 288/288 100.000 % 73.728 6.310.722.131.922 Server039 - 2022-12-14 - 55.846/56.053 99.631 % 28.422.613.202 6.029/6.030 99.983 % 3.324.134.400 82.891/85.879 96.521 % 35.707.747.328 8.469/8.469 100.000 % 3.405.368.064 242/242 100.000 % 61.952 6.311.492.251.858 Server040 - 2022-12-14 - 56.411/56.638 99.599 % 28.993.240.530 6.171/6.174 99.951 % 3.412.818.944 89.023/91.927 96.841 % 38.926.547.712 8.459/8.459 100.000 % 3.112.357.632 261/261 100.000 % 66.816 Server041 - 2022-12-14 - 55.728/55.966 99.575 % 28.448.726.994 6.053/6.054 99.983 % 79.738/82.313 96.872 % 31.254.951.936 8.446/8.446 100.000 % 3.278.531.840 284/284 100.000 % 72.704 6.257.534.178.386 Server042 - 2022-12-14 - 55.873/55.995 99.782 % 28.378.428.370 6.108/6.108 100.000 % 3.406.008.576 87.296/90.739 96.206 % 39.531.728.128 8.452/8.452 100.000 % 3.325.183.488 252/252 100.000 % 64.512 6.265.679.463.250 Server043 - 2022-12-14 - 55.575/55.672 99.826 % 28.786.483.410 6.070/6.070 100.000 % 3.320.731.392 106.714/110.165 96.867 % 45.795.322.112 8.658/8.658 100.000 % 3.383.353.600 228/228 100.000 % 58.368 6.288.693.759.314 Server044 - 2022-12-14 - 55.853/55.962 99.805 % 28.350.989.522 6.146/6.147 99.984 % 3.452.329.728 92.668/95.473 97.062 % 8.423/8.423 100.000 % 3.469.290.496 226/226 100.000 % 57.856 6.248.526.332.242 Server045 - 2022-12-14 - 56.236/56.374 99.755 % 28.880.393.938 6.107/6.108 99.984 % 3.277.360.896 83.350/85.855 97.082 % 8.229/8.229 100.000 % 3.196.842.752 277/277 100.000 % 70.912 5.971.982.843.090 Server046 - 2022-12-14 - 56.425/56.584 99.719 % 28.839.675.090 6.104/6.104 100.000 % 3.376.727.296 85.784/89.039 96.344 % 38.467.986.688 8.547/8.548 99.988 % 3.387.707.392 262/262 100.000 % 67.072 6.275.873.202.642 Server047 - 2022-12-14 - 53.386/54.623 97.735 % 26.042.412.754 5.891/5.901 99.831 % 46.126/56.069 82.266 % 21.940.547.584 6.999/6.999 100.000 % 3.021.870.848 260/260 100.000 % 66.560 5.784.956.079.698 Server048 - 2022-12-14 - 56.283/56.410 99.775 % 28.619.638.226 6.016/6.016 100.000 % 3.398.544.640 80.752/84.158 95.953 % 27.445.192.960 8.508/8.508 100.000 % 3.365.627.392 255/255 100.000 % 65.280 6.271.797.052.882 Server049 - 2022-12-14 - 56.607/56.743 99.760 % 28.937.492.690 6.084/6.085 99.984 % 3.373.316.352 82.942/86.078 96.357 % 32.924.841.728 8.754/8.754 100.000 % 3.490.418.176 273/273 100.000 % 69.888 6.329.308.972.114 Server050 - 2022-12-14 - 56.217/56.360 99.746 % 28.569.199.314 5.997/5.997 100.000 % 81.552/85.068 95.867 % 27.617.485.312 8.432/8.432 100.000 % 231/231 100.000 % 59.136 6.308.185.282.514 Server051 - 2022-12-14 - 55.423/55.527 99.813 % 28.589.707.730 6.169/6.169 100.000 % 3.372.727.552 81.066/84.562 95.866 % 32.639.266.560 8.612/8.612 100.000 % 3.494.281.984 271/271 100.000 % 69.376 6.309.474.084.818 Server052 - 2022-12-14 - 56.066/56.206 99.751 % 28.824.866.514 6.036/6.036 100.000 % 3.254.604.800 85.809/89.226 96.170 % 33.821.443.328 8.511/8.511 100.000 % 3.517.369.344 258/258 100.000 % 66.048 6.317.901.355.474 Server053 - 2022-12-14 - 56.328/56.475 99.740 % 28.716.836.818 6.142/6.142 100.000 % 3.406.237.184 90.842/94.205 96.430 % 39.675.861.504 8.693/8.693 100.000 % 3.472.089.600 251/251 100.000 % 64.256 6.329.931.822.674 Server054 - 2022-12-14 - 56.577/56.699 99.785 % 28.937.266.386 6.102/6.102 100.000 % 3.411.055.104 88.761/93.102 95.337 % 40.845.425.152 8.641/8.641 100.000 % 3.453.881.088 254/254 100.000 % 65.024 6.324.250.053.458 Server055 - 2022-12-14 - 55.255/55.368 99.796 % 28.125.929.170 6.188/6.188 100.000 % 3.405.847.040 82.783/85.917 96.352 % 31.298.893.824 8.688/8.688 100.000 % 3.494.690.048 263/263 100.000 % 67.328 6.297.377.028.434 Server056 - 2022-12-14 - 55.761/55.871 99.803 % 28.669.704.658 6.033/6.033 100.000 % 114.151/117.345 97.278 % 8.523/8.523 100.000 % 3.340.539.648 260/260 100.000 % 66.560 Server057 - 2022-12-14 - 56.419/56.536 99.793 % 28.699.056.850 6.064/6.066 99.967 % 3.456.398.336 84.238/88.554 95.126 % 31.849.234.688 8.312/8.312 100.000 % 3.248.368.128 275/275 100.000 % 70.400 6.113.777.959.506 Server058 - 2022-12-14 - 56.425/56.569 99.745 % 28.781.132.242 6.100/6.100 100.000 % 3.375.029.504 87.544/90.960 96.245 % 38.744.352.000 8.375/8.375 100.000 % 3.259.308.288 228/228 100.000 % 58.368 6.174.630.206.418 Server059 - 2022-12-14 - 54.779/55.713 98.324 % 26.994.519.250 5.965/5.971 99.900 % 3.213.359.360 46.750/55.905 83.624 % 15.843.806.976 6.848/6.848 100.000 % 2.967.342.592 232/232 100.000 % 59.392 5.603.313.588.050 Server060 - 2022-12-14 - 55.204/55.328 99.776 % 28.342.970.578 6.116/6.116 100.000 % 3.339.235.328 75.066/78.672 95.416 % 30.313.025.280 7.379/7.379 100.000 % 3.117.611.008 205/205 100.000 % 52.480 5.901.356.510.546 Server061 - 2022-12-14 - 53.951/55.227 97.690 % 26.559.202.002 5.938/5.952 99.765 % 3.240.417.280 47.178/57.666 81.813 % 24.256.344.832 6.288/6.288 100.000 % 2.974.007.296 247/247 100.000 % 63.232 5.489.103.542.482 Server062 - 2022-12-14 - 56.737/56.868 99.770 % 28.977.592.786 6.158/6.158 100.000 % 3.295.980.288 78.230/81.442 96.056 % 34.272.865.024 7.957/7.957 100.000 % 3.151.781.120 264/264 100.000 % 67.584 6.003.476.926.546 Server063 - 2022-12-14 - 56.542/56.671 99.772 % 5.980/5.980 100.000 % 3.354.183.424 99.749/102.313 97.494 % 8.254/8.254 100.000 % 257/257 100.000 % 65.792 6.082.457.640.530 Server064 - 2022-12-14 - 55.534/55.638 99.813 % 28.164.623.314 5.925/5.925 100.000 % 3.179.726.080 81.118/86.013 94.309 % 32.916.311.552 8.567/8.567 100.000 % 3.525.896.960 253/253 100.000 % 64.768 6.181.580.759.378 Server065 - 2022-12-14 - 54.601/55.498 98.384 % 27.135.421.906 5.990/5.998 99.867 % 52.795/63.670 82.920 % 33.736.539.136 7.461/7.461 100.000 % 215/215 100.000 % 55.040 5.666.302.181.330 Server066 - 2022-12-14 - 56.619/56.776 99.723 % 29.065.531.346 6.128/6.129 99.984 % 82.301/89.796 91.653 % 30.723.664.896 8.397/8.397 100.000 % 3.481.874.944 258/258 100.000 % 66.048 Server067 - 2022-12-14 - 56.657/56.779 99.785 % 29.094.909.138 6.097/6.098 99.984 % 3.314.079.488 78.634/83.214 94.496 % 34.680.964.352 8.335/8.335 100.000 % 3.227.642.880 226/226 100.000 % 57.856 Server068 - 2022-12-14 - 56.203/56.381 99.684 % 28.855.466.450 6.064/6.064 100.000 % 3.405.182.720 85.386/88.631 96.339 % 26.418.336.256 8.490/8.490 100.000 % 3.425.314.304 248/248 100.000 % 63.488 Server069 - 2022-12-14 - 55.783/55.896 99.798 % 28.575.020.754 5.919/5.919 100.000 % 3.313.938.176 83.520/86.555 96.494 % 30.334.988.544 8.698/8.698 100.000 % 3.431.380.992 263/263 100.000 % 67.328 Server070 - 2022-12-14 - 56.576/56.701 99.780 % 28.558.328.274 6.166/6.166 100.000 % 3.451.630.080 83.317/87.715 94.986 % 38.632.548.864 8.171/8.171 100.000 % 256/256 100.000 % 65.536 6.176.382.424.018 Server071 - 2022-12-14 - 54.471/55.835 97.557 % 6.007/6.010 99.950 % 3.370.951.424 42.019/50.432 83.318 % 12.894.108.416 6.909/6.909 100.000 % 3.078.853.376 232/232 100.000 % 59.392 5.653.682.199.122 Server072 - 2022-12-14 - 56.107/56.240 99.764 % 28.573.643.730 5.986/5.986 100.000 % 94.495/99.328 95.134 % 40.340.477.184 8.351/8.351 100.000 % 3.379.823.872 226/226 100.000 % 57.856 Server073 - 2022-12-14 - 55.753/55.880 99.773 % 28.732.440.274 6.062/6.062 100.000 % 3.342.854.400 79.988/82.954 96.425 % 32.866.967.552 8.268/8.268 100.000 % 3.366.390.016 240/240 100.000 % 61.440 6.205.363.914.450 Server074 - 2022-12-14 - 56.193/56.319 99.776 % 28.913.768.402 6.099/6.099 100.000 % 87.336/91.006 95.967 % 7.777/7.777 100.000 % 3.057.938.432 218/218 100.000 % 55.808 5.578.927.470.930 Server075 - 2022-12-14 - 54.943/55.842 98.390 % 28.067.490.002 6.166/6.173 99.887 % 3.429.088.512 58.601/68.001 86.177 % 24.426.443.008 7.009/7.010 99.986 % 2.936.258.560 213/213 100.000 % 54.528 5.142.880.107.730 Server076 - 2022-12-14 - 56.429/56.584 99.726 % 28.843.311.826 6.167/6.167 100.000 % 3.333.479.168 83.175/87.264 95.314 % 34.974.996.736 8.187/8.187 100.000 % 3.246.484.480 249/249 100.000 % 63.744 Server077 - 2022-12-14 - 55.609/55.775 99.702 % 28.534.247.378 6.020/6.020 100.000 % 3.332.738.048 71.733/78.518 91.359 % 23.576.698.880 8.190/8.190 100.000 % 3.336.642.560 233/233 100.000 % 59.648 6.129.573.496.786 Server078 - 2022-12-14 - 56.111/56.221 99.804 % 28.685.188.562 6.100/6.100 100.000 % 3.438.572.288 86.198/89.720 96.074 % 33.983.788.032 8.398/8.398 100.000 % 3.385.544.192 258/258 100.000 % 66.048 6.194.437.042.770 Server079 - 2022-12-14 - 56.535/56.645 99.806 % 29.343.654.866 6.035/6.035 100.000 % 3.359.919.616 76.555/79.230 96.624 % 28.453.361.920 8.244/8.244 100.000 % 3.208.748.544 269/269 100.000 % 68.864 6.184.926.795.602 Server080 - 2022-12-14 - 56.404/56.537 99.765 % 28.490.778.066 6.067/6.069 99.967 % 3.256.727.808 85.601/88.659 96.551 % 35.839.649.280 8.290/8.290 100.000 % 3.273.754.624 260/260 100.000 % 66.560 6.185.676.644.818 Server081 - 2022-12-14 - 56.741/56.883 99.750 % 28.978.552.530 6.089/6.089 100.000 % 3.373.859.584 71.605/78.306 91.443 % 28.027.801.600 8.050/8.051 99.988 % 3.345.500.928 256/256 100.000 % 65.536 6.095.516.012.242 Server082 - 2022-12-14 - 56.157/56.271 99.797 % 28.869.335.506 6.147/6.147 100.000 % 3.458.933.760 79.937/83.888 95.290 % 28.747.079.936 8.352/8.352 100.000 % 3.333.629.440 258/258 100.000 % 66.048 Server083 - 2022-12-14 - 56.532/56.656 99.781 % 28.806.888.146 6.242/6.242 100.000 % 3.538.769.664 86.311/89.373 96.574 % 34.384.281.088 8.203/8.203 100.000 % 3.374.507.264 260/260 100.000 % 66.560 6.108.549.980.370 Server084 - 2022-12-14 - 56.421/56.568 99.740 % 6.097/6.100 99.951 % 3.381.068.032 79.763/82.539 96.637 % 32.994.975.488 7.959/7.959 100.000 % 253/253 100.000 % 64.768 Server085 - 2022-12-14 - 56.338/56.518 99.682 % 28.832.748.242 6.125/6.125 100.000 % 3.438.826.240 73.725/81.610 90.338 % 8.032/8.032 100.000 % 253/253 100.000 % 64.768 6.029.470.033.618 Server086 - 2022-12-14 - 55.722/55.861 99.751 % 28.457.309.650 6.080/6.080 100.000 % 3.365.028.608 77.247/84.456 91.464 % 31.909.973.248 7.975/7.975 100.000 % 280/280 100.000 % 71.680 6.004.865.681.362 Server087 - 2022-12-14 - 56.183/56.290 99.810 % 28.668.708.050 5.930/5.930 100.000 % 3.225.338.624 88.140/91.790 96.024 % 35.707.660.288 7.992/7.992 100.000 % 3.159.377.408 273/273 100.000 % 69.888 6.070.681.892.050 Server088 - 2022-12-14 - 56.457/56.568 99.804 % 29.077.353.426 6.335/6.335 100.000 % 3.595.036.416 80.698/85.035 94.900 % 33.609.260.288 8.044/8.044 100.000 % 3.354.544.640 255/255 100.000 % 65.280 Server089 - 2022-12-14 - 56.556/56.662 99.813 % 28.574.786.770 6.179/6.179 100.000 % 3.346.811.904 85.294/89.411 95.395 % 37.844.745.984 8.153/8.153 100.000 % 217/217 100.000 % 55.552 6.071.535.610.194 Server090 - 2022-12-14 - 53.704/54.641 98.285 % 26.854.954.450 6.056/6.067 99.819 % 3.421.783.296 51.747/60.679 85.280 % 19.233.484.544 6.610/6.611 99.985 % 2.754.135.808 255/255 100.000 % 65.280 5.520.427.654.738 Server091 - 2022-12-14 - 56.159/56.287 99.773 % 28.994.515.410 6.011/6.011 100.000 % 3.258.496.256 89.000/93.149 95.546 % 33.884.134.912 8.346/8.346 100.000 % 3.356.227.072 232/232 100.000 % 59.392 Server092 - 2022-12-14 - 56.052/56.194 99.747 % 28.382.230.482 6.025/6.026 99.983 % 3.264.627.712 76.170/84.125 90.544 % 8.202/8.202 100.000 % 3.392.709.888 264/264 100.000 % 67.584 Server093 - 2022-12-14 - 56.316/56.451 99.761 % 28.592.739.538 5.894/5.894 100.000 % 90.645/93.772 96.665 % 26.411.877.888 8.353/8.353 100.000 % 3.354.267.904 244/244 100.000 % 62.464 6.205.336.487.122 Server094 - 2022-12-14 - 56.570/56.716 99.743 % 28.988.775.634 6.111/6.111 100.000 % 3.527.481.600 82.071/86.098 95.323 % 31.698.670.336 8.277/8.277 100.000 % 3.391.301.888 251/251 100.000 % 64.256 6.167.378.644.690 Server095 - 2022-12-14 - 55.781/55.951 99.696 % 28.775.702.738 6.018/6.018 100.000 % 82.670/90.709 91.138 % 38.320.880.896 8.373/8.373 100.000 % 3.346.047.232 263/263 100.000 % 67.328 6.167.317.455.826 Server096 - 2022-12-14 - 53.810/55.046 97.755 % 26.542.327.762 5.985/5.995 99.833 % 3.416.542.720 44.573/54.050 82.466 % 17.789.051.648 6.626/6.626 100.000 % 2.903.806.464 248/248 100.000 % 63.488 5.558.259.239.634 Server097 - 2022-12-14 - 56.377/56.499 99.784 % 28.591.736.786 6.107/6.107 100.000 % 3.409.571.072 94.838/99.317 95.490 % 33.247.873.792 8.332/8.332 100.000 % 3.264.862.464 257/257 100.000 % 65.792 Server098 - 2022-12-14 - 56.629/56.756 99.776 % 5.881/5.881 100.000 % 3.219.429.632 86.451/90.333 95.703 % 42.466.385.664 8.337/8.337 100.000 % 3.284.506.368 248/248 100.000 % 63.488 Server099 - 2022-12-14 - 55.576/55.688 99.799 % 28.723.025.362 5.975/5.975 100.000 % 3.347.337.472 82.222/85.073 96.649 % 30.635.579.648 8.362/8.362 100.000 % 3.444.290.304 236/236 100.000 % 60.416 6.231.606.411.730 Server100 - 2022-12-14 - 54.919/55.844 98.344 % 27.546.995.666 6.170/6.176 99.903 % 3.466.196.736 42.422/51.272 82.739 % 14.237.823.232 6.677/6.677 100.000 % 2.915.951.104 197/197 100.000 % 50.432 5.588.779.806.802 Server101 - 2022-12-14 - 56.425/56.562 99.758 % 29.005.502.930 6.053/6.053 100.000 % 3.292.307.968 88.971/93.470 95.187 % 38.451.097.344 8.483/8.483 100.000 % 3.482.034.944 224/224 100.000 % 57.344 6.222.765.232.850 Server102 - 2022-12-14 - 55.961/56.088 99.774 % 28.693.504.978 6.012/6.012 100.000 % 3.398.121.984 77.934/82.397 94.584 % 38.322.527.488 6.716/6.716 100.000 % 2.948.444.672 249/249 100.000 % 63.744 5.668.498.188.242 Server103 - 2022-12-14 - 54.053/54.892 98.472 % 26.838.030.290 6.002/6.010 99.867 % 3.238.556.928 55.732/66.190 84.200 % 27.839.908.608 6.675/6.675 100.000 % 2.895.443.712 241/241 100.000 % 61.696 5.587.910.804.818 Server104 - 2022-12-14 - 54.175/55.091 98.337 % 6.049/6.056 99.884 % 3.400.098.304 60.054/69.696 86.166 % 26.539.558.144 6.958/6.958 100.000 % 3.023.345.664 200/200 100.000 % 51.200 5.632.056.246.098 Server105 - 2022-12-14 - 56.443/56.574 99.768 % 28.893.233.362 6.010/6.010 100.000 % 3.333.201.664 85.320/88.562 96.339 % 36.907.222.784 8.203/8.203 100.000 % 3.335.495.168 246/246 100.000 % 62.976 Server106 - 2022-12-14 - 56.186/56.364 99.684 % 28.739.086.546 6.077/6.077 100.000 % 3.460.071.424 74.724/82.309 90.785 % 24.117.895.168 8.243/8.243 100.000 % 3.449.734.144 261/261 100.000 % 66.816 6.179.960.885.586 Server107 - 2022-12-14 - 54.734/55.709 98.250 % 27.132.323.794 6.035/6.044 99.851 % 3.347.058.688 60.763/70.830 85.787 % 22.556.119.296 6.742/6.742 100.000 % 2.978.241.280 208/208 100.000 % 53.248 5.604.766.646.226 ------------------------- ---------------------- PUT -------------------- ----------------- PUT_REPAIR ------------------ --------------------- GET --------------------- ----------------- GET_REPAIR ------------------ -------------- GET_AUDIT -------------- ----- Storage Used ------ Name Date (CEST) Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Pieces Success Rate Bytes Bytes Totals - 2022-12-14 - 5.874.960/5.900.615 99.565 % 2.995.586.551.842 636.694/636.841 99.977 % 351.085.691.392 8.487.160/8.935.237 94.985 % 3.389.279.842.048 868.040/868.076 99.996 % 356.606.364.672 26.696/26.697 99.996 % 6.834.176 656.849.962.729.250 ------------------------------------------ HDD overview ---------------------------------------------- Dev (SM01) Available hdd space Used hdd space Free hdd space Mount point ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /dev/sda1 15.873.098.706.944 6.291.736.707.072 (39.6377 %) 9.581.361.999.872 /disk201/ /dev/sdb1 15.873.098.706.944 6.299.379.093.504 (39.6859 %) 9.573.719.613.440 /disk202/ /dev/sdc1 15.873.098.706.944 6.282.352.222.208 (39.5786 %) 9.590.746.484.736 /disk203/ /dev/sdd1 15.873.098.706.944 6.159.613.718.528 (38.8054 %) 9.713.484.988.416 /disk204/ /dev/sde1 15.873.098.706.944 6.214.797.479.936 (39.1530 %) 9.658.301.227.008 /disk205/ /dev/sdf1 15.873.098.706.944 (39.4081 %) 9.617.818.091.520 /disk206/ /dev/sdg1 15.873.098.706.944 (39.5147 %) 9.600.897.277.952 /disk207/ /dev/sdh1 15.873.098.706.944 6.265.588.740.096 (39.4730 %) 9.607.509.966.848 /disk208/ /dev/sdi1 15.873.098.706.944 12.599.692.328.960 (79.3776 %) 3.273.406.377.984 /disk209/ /dev/sdj1 15.873.098.706.944 12.596.517.277.696 (79.3576 %) 3.276.581.429.248 /disk210/ /dev/sdk1 15.873.098.706.944 12.636.833.783.808 (79.6116 %) /disk211/ /dev/sdl1 15.873.098.706.944 12.594.398.064.640 (79.3443 %) 3.278.700.642.304 /disk212/ /dev/sdm1 15.873.098.706.944 12.605.256.167.424 (79.4127 %) 3.267.842.539.520 /disk213/ /dev/sdn1 15.873.098.706.944 12.030.646.480.896 (75.7927 %) 3.842.452.226.048 /disk214/ /dev/sdo1 15.873.098.706.944 12.629.719.400.448 (79.5668 %) 3.243.379.306.496 /disk215/ /dev/sdp1 15.873.098.706.944 12.651.856.617.472 (79.7063 %) /disk216/ /dev/sdq1 15.873.098.706.944 12.664.547.577.856 (79.7862 %) 3.208.551.129.088 /disk217/ /dev/sdr1 15.873.098.706.944 12.048.412.495.872 (75.9046 %) 3.824.686.211.072 /disk218/ /dev/sds1 15.873.098.706.944 12.666.500.485.120 (79.7985 %) 3.206.598.221.824 /disk219/ /dev/sdt1 15.873.098.706.944 12.096.919.101.440 (76.2102 %) 3.776.179.605.504 /disk220/ /dev/sdu1 15.873.098.706.944 12.049.817.546.752 (75.9135 %) 3.823.281.160.192 /disk221/ /dev/sdv1 15.873.098.706.944 12.082.560.819.200 (76.1197 %) 3.790.537.887.744 /disk222/ /dev/sdw1 15.873.098.706.944 12.551.660.900.352 (79.0751 %) 3.321.437.806.592 /disk223/ /dev/sdx1 15.873.098.706.944 12.621.067.755.520 (79.5123 %) /disk224/ /dev/sdy1 15.873.098.706.944 12.015.811.837.952 (75.6992 %) 3.857.286.868.992 /disk225/ /dev/sdz1 15.873.098.706.944 6.388.109.406.208 (40.2449 %) 9.484.989.300.736 /disk226/ /dev/sdaa1 19.919.392.772.096 6.392.641.282.048 (32.0926 %) 13.526.751.490.048 /disk227/ /dev/sdab1 19.919.392.772.096 6.410.219.991.040 (32.1808 %) 13.509.172.781.056 /disk228/ /dev/sdac1 19.919.392.772.096 6.355.153.637.376 (31.9044 %) 13.564.239.134.720 /disk229/ /dev/sdad1 19.919.392.772.096 6.354.375.712.768 (31.9004 %) 13.565.017.059.328 /disk230/ /dev/sdae1 19.919.392.772.096 6.365.197.803.520 (31.9548 %) 13.554.194.968.576 /disk231/ /dev/sdaf1 19.919.392.772.096 6.379.961.483.264 (32.0289 %) 13.539.431.288.832 /disk232/ /dev/sdag1 19.919.392.772.096 6.418.026.516.480 (32.2200 %) 13.501.366.255.616 /disk233/ /dev/sdah1 19.919.392.772.096 6.401.338.474.496 (32.1362 %) 13.518.054.297.600 /disk234/ /dev/sdai1 19.919.392.772.096 6.403.347.308.544 (32.1463 %) 13.516.045.463.552 /disk235/ /dev/sdaj1 19.919.392.772.096 6.345.842.360.320 (31.8576 %) 13.573.550.411.776 /disk236/ /dev/sdak1 19.919.392.772.096 6.348.843.302.912 (31.8727 %) 13.570.549.469.184 /disk237/ /dev/sdal1 19.919.392.772.096 6.356.924.157.952 (31.9132 %) 13.562.468.614.144 /disk238/ /dev/sdam1 19.919.392.772.096 6.381.360.857.088 (32.0359 %) 13.538.031.915.008 /disk239/ /dev/sdan1 19.919.392.772.096 6.339.678.810.112 (31.8267 %) 13.579.713.961.984 /disk240/ /dev/sdao1 19.919.392.772.096 6.060.347.211.776 (30.4244 %) 13.859.045.560.320 /disk241/ /dev/sdap1 19.919.392.772.096 6.364.948.963.328 (31.9535 %) 13.554.443.808.768 /disk242/ /dev/sdaq1 19.919.392.772.096 5.878.070.513.664 (29.5093 %) 14.041.322.258.432 /disk243/ /dev/sdar1 19.919.392.772.096 6.360.406.257.664 (31.9307 %) 13.558.986.514.432 /disk244/ /dev/sdas1 19.919.392.772.096 6.418.975.334.400 (32.2248 %) 13.500.417.437.696 /disk245/ /dev/sdat1 19.919.392.772.096 6.396.868.673.536 (32.1138 %) 13.522.524.098.560 /disk246/ /dev/sdau1 19.919.392.772.096 6.398.171.549.696 (32.1203 %) 13.521.221.222.400 /disk247/ /dev/sdav1 19.919.392.772.096 6.406.293.868.544 (32.1611 %) 13.513.098.903.552 /disk248/ /dev/sdaw1 19.919.392.772.096 6.419.405.385.728 (32.2269 %) 13.499.987.386.368 /disk249/ /dev/sdax1 19.919.392.772.096 6.412.644.380.672 (32.1930 %) 13.506.748.391.424 /disk250/ /dev/sday1 19.919.392.772.096 6.385.723.863.040 (32.0578 %) 13.533.668.909.056 /disk251/ /dev/sdaz1 19.919.392.772.096 6.384.502.706.176 (32.0517 %) 13.534.890.065.920 /disk252/ /dev/sdba1 19.919.392.772.096 11.583.144.931.328 (58.1501 %) 8.336.247.840.768 /disk253/ /dev/sdbb1 19.919.392.772.096 14.682.532.118.528 (73.7097 %) 5.236.860.653.568 /disk254/ /dev/sdbc1 19.919.392.772.096 6.200.462.319.616 (31.1278 %) 13.718.930.452.480 /disk255/ /dev/sdbd1 19.919.392.772.096 6.262.728.138.752 (31.4404 %) 13.656.664.633.344 /disk256/ /dev/sdbe1 19.919.392.772.096 5.696.667.369.472 (28.5986 %) 14.222.725.402.624 /disk257/ /dev/sdbf1 19.919.392.772.096 5.986.842.247.168 (30.0553 %) 13.932.550.524.928 /disk258/ /dev/sdbg1 19.919.392.772.096 5.580.549.795.840 (28.0157 %) 14.338.842.976.256 /disk259/ /dev/sdbh1 19.919.392.772.096 (30.5785 %) 13.828.341.170.176 /disk260/ /dev/sdbi1 19.919.392.772.096 6.167.975.968.768 (30.9647 %) 13.751.416.803.328 /disk261/ /dev/sdbj1 19.919.392.772.096 6.268.622.671.872 (31.4699 %) 13.650.770.100.224 /disk262/ /dev/sdbk1 19.919.392.772.096 5.758.447.243.264 (28.9087 %) 14.160.945.528.832 /disk263/ /dev/sdbl1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.4769 %) 13.649.386.848.256 /disk264/ /dev/sdbm1 19.919.392.772.096 6.306.949.255.168 (31.6624 %) 13.612.443.516.928 /disk265/ /dev/sdbn1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.5780 %) 13.629.244.391.424 /disk266/ /dev/sdbo1 19.919.392.772.096 6.367.787.692.032 (31.9678 %) 13.551.605.080.064 /disk267/ /dev/sdbp1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.4432 %) 13.656.092.913.664 /disk268/ /dev/sdbq1 19.919.392.772.096 5.745.925.763.072 (28.8459 %) 14.173.467.009.024 /disk269/ /dev/sdbr1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.5525 %) 13.634.317.709.312 /disk270/ /dev/sdbs1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.5924 %) 13.626.384.691.200 /disk271/ /dev/sdbt1 19.919.392.772.096 5.655.872.167.936 (28.3938 %) 14.263.520.604.160 /disk272/ /dev/sdbu1 19.919.392.772.096 5.218.633.834.496 (26.1988 %) 14.700.758.937.600 /disk273/ /dev/sdbv1 19.919.392.772.096 6.254.963.019.776 (31.4014 %) 13.664.429.752.320 /disk274/ /dev/sdbw1 19.919.392.772.096 6.215.373.967.360 (31.2026 %) 13.704.018.804.736 /disk275/ /dev/sdbx1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.5327 %) 13.638.276.509.696 /disk276/ /dev/sdby1 19.919.392.772.096 6.272.594.690.048 (31.4899 %) 13.646.798.082.048 /disk277/ /dev/sdbz1 19.919.392.772.096 6.272.702.590.976 (31.4904 %) 13.646.690.181.120 /disk278/ /dev/sdca1 19.919.392.772.096 6.182.840.717.312 (31.0393 %) 13.736.552.054.784 /disk279/ /dev/sdcb1 19.919.392.772.096 6.324.538.081.280 (31.7507 %) 13.594.854.690.816 /disk280/ /dev/sdcc1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.1009 %) 13.724.291.747.840 /disk281/ /dev/sdcd1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.0505 %) 13.734.321.496.064 /disk282/ /dev/sdce1 19.919.392.772.096 (30.6947 %) 13.805.202.223.104 /disk283/ /dev/sdcf1 19.919.392.772.096 6.090.380.902.400 (30.5751 %) 13.829.011.869.696 /disk284/ /dev/sdcg1 19.919.392.772.096 6.157.719.584.768 (30.9132 %) 13.761.673.187.328 /disk285/ /dev/sdch1 19.919.392.772.096 (31.0506 %) 13.734.300.921.856 /disk286/ /dev/sdci1 19.919.392.772.096 6.158.827.892.736 (30.9188 %) 13.760.564.879.360 /disk287/ /dev/sdcj1 19.919.392.772.096 5.611.332.358.144 (28.1702 %) 14.308.060.413.952 /disk288/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Totals : 1.647.702.918.250.496 666. (40.4313 %) 981.514.794.135.552 --------------------------------------- Hardware Overview -------------------------------------------- SM01 hardware -->> http://www.th3van.dk/SM01-hardware.txt ----------------------------- Primary Storj nodes - Network info ------------------------------------- Name Joined NodeID DNS Port IPv4 IPv6 Hardware storage.path /24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- server002 13-07-2021 194yTT44oqvm94eunyPmZ7HruMHidQdA8gvtKXyfAZrNcuLW8W server030.id30002.storj.dk 30002 2001:67c:238:102:: SM01 /disk201/ 3 SN server003 13-07-2021 1eRdGmMm6spb8R9ojAkeXSrqZFH6uLeTrDPri4gr8yAtccKHzM server030.id30003.storj.dk 30003 2001:67c:238:103:: SM01 /disk202/ 3 SN server004 13-07-2021 1RyDEoRA2nrBELeYCFpQV7Xvhnizeqx3qffUqqBqmpArbpnP8h server030.id30004.storj.dk 30004 2001:67c:238:104:: SM01 /disk203/ 3 SN server005 13-07-2021 1VjS7aoMKWYohqxctts7Ss6Gktb86kQ8Mxu1MBv9jrSS3Y2eBu server030.id30005.storj.dk 30005 2001:67c:238:105:: SM01 /disk204/ 3 SN server006 13-07-2021 12v5Aup9A8Z8iFsMbpeVsHxzTnKsK2U1n158RZmv3iVvNuALW7c server030.id30006.storj.dk 30006 2001:67c:238:106:: SM01 /disk205/ 3 SN server007 13-07-2021 1Nk8KKaQgpPh2kJP5hxxVrp132u9qWMrpNVL5w3xeTUia8DF9v server030.id30007.storj.dk 30007 2001:67c:238:107:: SM01 /disk206/ 3 SN server008 13-07-2021 12fMoUZr7VYp1mcBD24fccC9ihAmd3RkHtcMiormxTBRdPMCVfy server030.id30008.storj.dk 30008 2001:67c:238:108:: SM01 /disk207/ 3 SN server009 13-07-2021 12HLowNc9PtPb1rDt19c33HXauiDLnJbRjj5bfgzjJd9JbA3bTq server030.id30009.storj.dk 30009 2001:67c:238:109:: SM01 /disk208/ 3 SN server010 13-07-2021 12ZdEJjdhRA5DmMDkEueAavf4MnxKkCFSZc4mMBRY4faQgJx12Y server030.id30010.storj.dk 30010 2001:67c:238:10a:: SM01 /disk209/ 3 SN server011 13-07-2021 12JgcbjhcKPbsVYgqwnE2G8ZjBWH8LA6uaMSM5cyiNRvjjXxtC server030.id30011.storj.dk 30011 2001:67c:238:10b:: SM01 /disk210/ 3 SN server012 13-07-2021 122qe4ne5LCVCyfxsndAiC2QucLh6tUzgCh6Zi55zx2kJYzqgtv server030.id30012.storj.dk 30012 2001:67c:238:10c:: SM01 /disk211/ 3 SN server013 13-07-2021 1qfHCQsdf7Nanj6nBNXA9yKRpqmJ1GCdVY6T6PQGFGN3ANzJPe server030.id30013.storj.dk 30013 2001:67c:238:10d:: SM01 /disk212/ 3 SN server014 13-07-2021 12mH4JRehnPdNAyWAFCjzUCSxn56WzMQkV56PjT4Yunu7SJ7m1r server030.id30014.storj.dk 30014 2001:67c:238:10e:: SM01 /disk213/ 3 SN server015 13-07-2021 1gGDRtHS3Dfz6egYPRZSphZ1PW1g5Ta7uN7ZgjVmXrBg2NtwA server030.id30015.storj.dk 30015 2001:67c:238:10f:: SM01 /disk214/ 3 SN server016 13-07-2021 121NiGA3r8mqemGBGhcBScCECvW93noGoTj2XcppRavugHmNYh3 server030.id30016.storj.dk 30016 2001:67c:238:110:: SM01 /disk215/ 3 SN server017 13-07-2021 19SSHtahHhecsoDyxhVxGYQ7tKDhuSgCCEqUSkgkQLzHFeQuQa server030.id30017.storj.dk 30017 2001:67c:238:111:: SM01 /disk216/ 3 SN server018 13-07-2021 1ywCCRoRkD7jMPv89djZ6BDh1C1kepF1apyxnGNLTfxQRKq68t server030.id30018.storj.dk 30018 2001:67c:238:112:: SM01 /disk217/ 3 SN server019 13-07-2021 12KxbuPya6X4HXRuakXYfyP9gsdGRvoCfPDgLQPyq5utBcvixk3 server030.id30019.storj.dk 30019 2001:67c:238:113:: SM01 /disk218/ 3 SN server020 13-07-2021 128KTXqfZkQvPUSYeL7jFRUFFGHFvDoPRz3uo8eQh9P8zwphdL9 server030.id30020.storj.dk 30020 2001:67c:238:114:: SM01 /disk219/ 3 SN server021 13-07-2021 11RUt8i4As1p74EyPwEyGNvmvbTS9Wxha7JG1rZ8gj8q9Riu4p server030.id30021.storj.dk 30021 2001:67c:238:115:: SM01 /disk220/ 3 SN server022 13-07-2021 1fWZBeH3YCLNGyQT7pFxSrkbpJjyAPbS1SuAJ7HWSY5XxtdT38 server030.id30022.storj.dk 30022 2001:67c:238:116:: SM01 /disk221/ 3 SN server023 13-07-2021 1r5Abffdbe9A8QrLVbEfs3vCNahS4xbb8ZyPSZ25b1cREYyekk server030.id30023.storj.dk 30023 2001:67c:238:117:: SM01 /disk222/ 3 SN server024 13-07-2021 12W5ideN2r8dyhHv28RL2RXwi8CRaDxKvnfkfagV5vqoRSb6NtA server030.id30024.storj.dk 30024 2001:67c:238:118:: SM01 /disk223/ 3 SN server025 13-07-2021 12MfJiQyVGk4WmaX91oaHzDdrRT7brdcUGNvBF1AWXHwym57bUT server030.id30025.storj.dk 30025 2001:67c:238:119:: SM01 /disk224/ 3 SN server026 13-07-2021 12HihhEc13Eia66ufrcs43mJkGpVA7k68YiZogD2ZaZSAY6sHXz server030.id30026.storj.dk 30026 2001:67c:238:11a:: SM01 /disk225/ 3 SN server027 13-07-2021 12uaYXYqS8LnpyRr9Mh3fdEuZenY9iUCmogNjLx371KZCQUjGmk server030.id30027.storj.dk 30027 2001:67c:238:11b:: SM01 /disk226/ 3 SN server028 13-07-2021 1kBrwvpoB44MKjceG2AJFzjstcMDhkNVVwBJacK9qpxqizGcG3 server030.id30028.storj.dk 30028 2001:67c:238:11c:: SM01 /disk227/ 3 SN server029 13-07-2021 12Mv4AoH7sP7zE7esKUaXhT9r9bKRZiR288irLLgZ1pJHkZPLEP server030.id30029.storj.dk 30029 2001:67c:238:11d:: SM01 /disk228/ 3 SN server030 13-07-2021 12tomjRUf3WbDF7oaAdeeF5QXve51kHGR3uUNk229y8WWhemPhc server030.id30030.storj.dk 30030 2001:67c:238:11e:: SM01 /disk229/ 3 SN server031 16-07-2020 14wao87cQFBPDh6oFEz7qgVNY5pjTMhq7NGQPfmC4u2bXW2put server030.id30031.storj.dk 30031 2001:67c:238:11f:: SM01 /disk253/ 3 SN server033 26-03-2020 123EEvLxDfhqSB2T8g634DBqHnPBPRqMXm6NSy1cXiHsgwFNjs server030.id30033.storj.dk 30033 2001:67c:238:121:: SM01 /disk254/ 3 SN server034 13-07-2021 12GZfBMDsezvRBy6Ai5eebjw88TFHwjZGyB9LQEYEmr3wPRySUq server030.id30034.storj.dk 30034 2001:67c:238:122:: SM01 /disk230/ 3 SN server035 13-07-2021 12rtBbNsqoA7TCs1hqjwz4iFUSr33XXhuGPmHxKniMfzJExUJk9 server030.id30035.storj.dk 30035 2001:67c:238:123:: SM01 /disk231/ 3 SN server036 13-07-2021 1utM9hM7iEdSQVPdpzvXfDyXC4ikArh6Qsd4Qak8C5ZdyZ4qKC server030.id30036.storj.dk 30036 2001:67c:238:124:: SM01 /disk232/ 3 SN server037 13-07-2021 1UAbTxNHdwZDFEn8uSgXJ5gG1Ripi7rcEYGi2VivuWNdaygxYh server030.id30037.storj.dk 30037 2001:67c:238:125:: SM01 /disk233/ 3 SN server038 13-07-2021 15CaT2keT9NZyejLoXPdK6538xG8gCCQVLqLuLzKfFWCNwccoT server030.id30038.storj.dk 30038 2001:67c:238:126:: SM01 /disk234/ 3 SN server039 13-07-2021 18AAYqnVexpsCnkR7byqcF77zniCVRmC6vTjV1MdG6Lpoig8M2 server030.id30039.storj.dk 30039 2001:67c:238:127:: SM01 /disk235/ 3 SN server040 13-07-2021 1zyKDd897YkcDHLnSUbMwMiw2gfLJUA5EjwX6WCshjR9dqy8GP server030.id30040.storj.dk 30040 2001:67c:238:128:: SM01 /disk236/ 3 SN server041 13-07-2021 12nwXJf6tweFuLVdV1h1gZoQqrX1X8C7tDZrN5mwk7ZMbnjFn7G server030.id30041.storj.dk 30041 2001:67c:238:129:: SM01 /disk237/ 3 SN server042 13-07-2021 1poEUyZtFqdKweHtHgTisP2Pe2LDsNqjisqGk1hT1GBCFLsnbQ server030.id30042.storj.dk 30042 2001:67c:238:12a:: SM01 /disk238/ 3 SN server043 13-07-2021 1pLunZc2X7bXABLoMf4LNf8FBFGexNvgzF62VK6Ep8AKRS3Sid server030.id30043.storj.dk 30043 2001:67c:238:12b:: SM01 /disk239/ 3 SN server044 13-07-2021 1HAf7Zb4fokovfiC5akpLv4wg8JUUayMTtk77cx46Z3VnhUCZF server030.id30044.storj.dk 30044 2001:67c:238:12c:: SM01 /disk240/ 3 SN server045 13-07-2021 1v8ZiHkmgHZL3fd3FK8cJXfph1awTDkGLZd7fnp2Lueg7eMyu2 server030.id30045.storj.dk 30045 2001:67c:238:12d:: SM01 /disk241/ 3 SN server046 13-07-2021 12stGjZ7U2KcRuX8vjR1kp5qkSoUoahDZfXEvbKhYCWfATrbxaS server030.id30046.storj.dk 30046 2001:67c:238:12e:: SM01 /disk242/ 3 SN server047 13-07-2021 1HKQ8JfxVjJGm8xxpjZVfE319AV15tWgYcPShbYTudHDotQqhw server030.id30047.storj.dk 30047 2001:67c:238:12f:: SM01 /disk243/ 3 SN server048 13-07-2021 1gdoyz4vp53zsNLAv1DXLCRwEVXDRVqk1wNkzyMmgZXXVY1AL3 server030.id30048.storj.dk 30048 2001:67c:238:130:: SM01 /disk244/ 3 SN server049 13-07-2021 12F13PyKTYFn9Cpi2YS3taz1TEhQ28FHK2qoKypHpRTiLqoJ4yk server030.id30049.storj.dk 30049 2001:67c:238:131:: SM01 /disk245/ 3 SN server050 13-07-2021 1izmbAxFN1hucgfCn9t1JJTSpq4UhU8Fgj6WdeqrgVFFwqr5rV server030.id30050.storj.dk 30050 2001:67c:238:132:: SM01 /disk246/ 3 SN server051 13-07-2021 12NowgSre7hNioHRSkQJnQvJNi8tqXegwp9sZrAzndF1xiGbZYg server030.id30051.storj.dk 30051 2001:67c:238:133:: SM01 /disk247/ 3 SN server052 13-07-2021 15vDcYnxHLFR5m6Js6FH6wZLLhGVGZhobT8PygTayfUbxAHFXW server030.id30052.storj.dk 30052 2001:67c:238:134:: SM01 /disk248/ 3 SN server053 13-07-2021 1LTBXr7YfVKA8uFNHC2EcryLYiD4RgBqGV8gMKxoc4vjME5Nfv server030.id30053.storj.dk 30053 2001:67c:238:135:: SM01 /disk249/ 3 SN server054 13-07-2021 1bP9AaxEpnrNfJuAun41eKXfgGXKFpP94R6kda718rsLqE6iJs server030.id30054.storj.dk 30054 2001:67c:238:136:: SM01 /disk250/ 3 SN server055 13-07-2021 12Jf9yvUNjmJ7v6GDgSS3E3irRtrPfhZZACUuDGriYV6PRMdazf server030.id30055.storj.dk 30055 2001:67c:238:137:: SM01 /disk251/ 3 SN server056 13-07-2021 12YFDiCTAa6c2apR9mAbF4SjSgQcDrcdzJDXhENAkN9n16zAzrp server030.id30056.storj.dk 30056 2001:67c:238:138:: SM01 /disk252/ 3 SN server057 13-07-2021 1VoXPZ4N3S5jJ42P9mX5JeX4u8XUTgPsZCEfJQCjx3jzkkQvqm server030.id30057.storj.dk 30057 2001:67c:238:139:: SM01 /disk255/ 3 SN server058 13-07-2021 12MXya4PbjKsTeSXpDq7NBPaAXFa141HsZikai9WGmJkHWAGz3R server030.id30058.storj.dk 30058 2001:67c:238:13a:: SM01 /disk256/ 3 SN server059 13-07-2021 12ZgUGYNjC8yX7BELD5sPWpxb6uJvmngwm2TipMifacrkgqy8dB server030.id30059.storj.dk 30059 2001:67c:238:13b:: SM01 /disk257/ 3 SN server060 13-07-2021 1dyN1R84SVFiRJikrLJCY8AaAvB1AmFHUWEDorgMhLDHD5euPt server030.id30060.storj.dk 30060 2001:67c:238:13c:: SM01 /disk258/ 3 SN server061 13-07-2021 1tw3498zDhyaB6p9E9vagxsqki3cSwuHcosMpj1dLT6yqqwcAK server030.id30061.storj.dk 30061 2001:67c:238:13d:: SM01 /disk259/ 3 SN server062 13-07-2021 1rYd58T7V9MgUaSJJBbHArxsb1XSyiAjvTUZZpMx2LZuR1cVxH server030.id30062.storj.dk 30062 2001:67c:238:13e:: SM01 /disk260/ 3 SN server063 13-07-2021 12FbzavjQQSCf7b1WjrAUCiukVjhL4riJpZYcgEuVKSgMy8RNjm server030.id30063.storj.dk 30063 2001:67c:238:13f:: SM01 /disk261/ 3 SN server064 13-07-2021 12Sq4jFH3j8aMwefRpH6KgTSzSVKjzsa7LZ9vucPHEvJsfNThuN server030.id30064.storj.dk 30064 2001:67c:238:140:: SM01 /disk262/ 3 SN server065 13-07-2021 1g4MKntErmf41VBndJU9fgzdpqQmMvyCo8k2opb2e16K5v6n5H server030.id30065.storj.dk 30065 2001:67c:238:141:: SM01 /disk263/ 3 SN server066 13-07-2021 19tQpS5zhyjf3jstwqucMNoZs1z7FUggyvE331N1iSYztTfNv5 server030.id30066.storj.dk 30066 2001:67c:238:142:: SM01 /disk264/ 3 SN server067 13-07-2021 12Q5B8mJPzNMVWd7tar4xXzgGu73wNZfy8qnXQua4a1QDmqwKFg server030.id30067.storj.dk 30067 2001:67c:238:143:: SM01 /disk265/ 3 SN server068 13-07-2021 12CgPgYydBfifbqtzwkhs66zAqW2oGNxTb7bozcVNoLrYCgqsbx server030.id30068.storj.dk 30068 2001:67c:238:144:: SM01 /disk266/ 3 SN server069 13-07-2021 1wc1ePRmePEoas69zs1jJkRxqfpzdJj9QZHgV1af9tLbdiBtQ1 server030.id30069.storj.dk 30069 2001:67c:238:145:: SM01 /disk267/ 3 SN server070 17-07-2021 12jSB3heAQpUa9jYcq1f6ZWtFrVJHDYJLo4P6MV3nycenMJwhZn server030.id30070.storj.dk 30070 2001:67c:238:146:: SM01 /disk268/ 3 SN server071 17-07-2021 12sfbgbY7znqBatgJiHt428fJR69j68WMk7tqvRycrCVMj4XB5e server030.id30071.storj.dk 30071 2001:67c:238:147:: SM01 /disk269/ 3 SN server072 17-07-2021 1V3eBQB6ZiDxjuuxCfTdydSPpTUccprVNSpGVb4ZWr8Q3XxX7o server030.id30072.storj.dk 30072 2001:67c:238:148:: SM01 /disk270/ 3 SN server073 17-07-2021 1KPBDhdZP9SvN4Du8A6dGp9PFZTXWGMAEZxbJ3dgeGEgT62Eok server030.id30073.storj.dk 30073 2001:67c:238:149:: SM01 /disk271/ 3 SN server074 17-07-2021 12psyX8QSFurLgTAyaPA7CJDUGNAWxDcGTPAZCgUSq4D1uRYNYf server030.id30074.storj.dk 30074 2001:67c:238:14a:: SM01 /disk272/ 3 SN server075 17-07-2021 1TBtQ65wrDXNjMTtaYj4cUwKfpqwHbraAzLZjrvhUiTcqCUvPu server030.id30075.storj.dk 30075 2001:67c:238:14b:: SM01 /disk273/ 3 SN server076 17-07-2021 135LdF5GySYzNm4XucU4TV7tutmCMapDRZjGQu1Nic3BNUY84Y server030.id30076.storj.dk 30076 2001:67c:238:14c:: SM01 /disk274/ 3 SN server077 17-07-2021 129EW9fzmXXVzH2eYTCvYYqYqXpndP3bPH6JrsuL9QdmDMxHbxZ server030.id30077.storj.dk 30077 2001:67c:238:14d:: SM01 /disk275/ 3 SN server078 17-07-2021 12GbA1PqCNCqfnimT8Hzbtkm6bP8TW4S2EjwhzsG9HzgLRmbVVz server030.id30078.storj.dk 30078 2001:67c:238:14e:: SM01 /disk276/ 3 SN server079 17-07-2021 1qFpTgXbv2PbTF8wmCvyxNdE99YxVXuK11EsRDxEjDEaLw1yV2 server030.id30079.storj.dk 30079 2001:67c:238:14f:: SM01 /disk277/ 3 SN server080 17-07-2021 1crvEoQWw1Hk3aKDCE6nasbZhd18FAKuqkYqn1aeMXZekwrPmS server030.id30080.storj.dk 30080 2001:67c:238:150:: SM01 /disk278/ 3 SN server081 18-07-2021 12qTVVuXnMAqXWRNCzh91DLckVyD8LEcFUoGtKYRMLweVbAgsBG server030.id30081.storj.dk 30081 2001:67c:238:151:: SM01 /disk279/ 3 SN server082 18-07-2021 1U1BBrwfT97idZ2mtsNH1wMmG17NZKCghKky86HSeu4cssCdFP server030.id30082.storj.dk 30082 2001:67c:238:152:: SM01 /disk280/ 3 SN server083 18-07-2021 12g1RoikhJmxpVZzjjPyo4ufRRMdwCjBaJKndJ8AH6gkk8d9ML9 server030.id30083.storj.dk 30083 2001:67c:238:153:: SM01 /disk281/ 3 SN server084 18-07-2021 12okZQiDSGLUnneC745peGEFqGdQ5VfMyLNTCoDafbC8fvzmQ7 server030.id30084.storj.dk 30084 2001:67c:238:154:: SM01 /disk282/ 3 SN server085 18-07-2021 122HgCiorFaaNTTrp963bvD9RstAYupGw2MNFyNpH7YupHKtBw2 server030.id30085.storj.dk 30085 2001:67c:238:155:: SM01 /disk283/ 3 SN server086 18-07-2021 12rAVKSuwSYDzy1i9Jf5cAfQjkbAd8AnmNWZb58tMTx2JFc3Ffn server030.id30086.storj.dk 30086 2001:67c:238:156:: SM01 /disk284/ 3 SN server087 18-07-2021 1gM5wYYbu6SGszgwT7mziAekdD141vTZhrfBZgchkoHSp1mh9W server030.id30087.storj.dk 30087 2001:67c:238:157:: SM01 /disk285/ 3 SN server088 18-07-2021 1Qa3Sso716TXsdtGrKFLuCP2sYwbNn6wNLVpzMVAzZmnmpu1FE server030.id30088.storj.dk 30088 2001:67c:238:158:: SM01 /disk286/ 3 SN server089 18-07-2021 1hkyyAWDPBe22HghSchn5uDbsj1KtZYeuzyLJReqnGzSCWPbvK server030.id30089.storj.dk 30089 2001:67c:238:159:: SM01 /disk287/ 3 SN server090 18-07-2021 129X2b2HDY8UGcjzWQ1hU3xmbrJ69pJTBe3BWpEiAWmCf5cqvMG server030.id30090.storj.dk 30090 2001:67c:238:15a:: SM01 /disk288/ 3 SN server091 18-07-2021 18VX29723Zvf9jGskLiU1feQ1fV6LSvbwnBWpymrio46ESQnfR server030.id30091.storj.dk 30091 2001:67c:238:15b:: SM01 /disk209/ 3 SN server092 18-07-2021 12VHrTDVcEk7XYyAuxmypSXUvP1hNo8hU6NiAvyvpZD98v9WwbL server030.id30092.storj.dk 30092 2001:67c:238:15c:: SM01 /disk210/ 3 SN server093 18-07-2021 123NJUSYSBjEAUHo68t4VVKYah3aajXFRiGhLBnZ9mfKNAn1yhN server030.id30093.storj.dk 30093 2001:67c:238:15d:: SM01 /disk211/ 3 SN server094 18-07-2021 12LdVq18oVoVDwpMfzQSauEbC63V5MG3kjLsZvBzSWVae7uAK6v server030.id30094.storj.dk 30094 2001:67c:238:15e:: SM01 /disk212/ 3 SN server095 18-07-2021 1gK5gmKVSWz7kF2E2eEv5QSJ6VWQKCMDesZJzVd45ca4U1FNxm server030.id30095.storj.dk 30095 2001:67c:238:15f:: SM01 /disk213/ 3 SN server096 18-07-2021 12Jg2zJkN7CGrERvPddPnkrRcAdGrg6qXX9FfiWgEiT7GkW9YCr server030.id30096.storj.dk 30096 2001:67c:238:160:: SM01 /disk214/ 3 SN server097 18-07-2021 1UFtGVHJALgtfdT45Gz2zgfWwGUfLip3opNgxE2i3TkrSL1Qzd server030.id30097.storj.dk 30097 2001:67c:238:161:: SM01 /disk215/ 3 SN server098 18-07-2021 12Y8NE4w5Reg5hbpVUWRkL1SP6uo7SodPoCjtPRq2JTiBnazNxg server030.id30098.storj.dk 30098 2001:67c:238:162:: SM01 /disk216/ 3 SN server099 18-07-2021 12v3cnLMPYBGxFwSJQGoHSWxCbjL2KFD3VHJybMC58wza4qAwY2 server030.id30099.storj.dk 30099 2001:67c:238:163:: SM01 /disk217/ 3 SN server100 18-07-2021 1pwALgmHKALEntaZ3yvfDf8CWY8iPZJ523reheX8DzrApV7qCQ server030.id30100.storj.dk 30100 2001:67c:238:164:: SM01 /disk218/ 3 SN server101 18-07-2021 12ULD99TDq9bmpJpxq7r9Tw4j5N4a9NFjimtDRqPgd957TpnCGV server030.id30101.storj.dk 30101 2001:67c:238:165:: SM01 /disk219/ 3 SN server102 18-07-2021 1ptm1i8TXg5yWG3jC4qMf23UNDZ2NPJaRH9TZXVKhTbGXQhonk server030.id30102.storj.dk 30102 2001:67c:238:166:: SM01 /disk220/ 3 SN server103 18-07-2021 12QCH2G6pKMS3azuKSbxmjL71BWFQ1f8zJL7dZEGpdRQmEZC7bS server030.id30103.storj.dk 30103 2001:67c:238:167:: SM01 /disk221/ 3 SN server104 18-07-2021 12XUhtjk3QC2CGEEGgFP5Q6NgT93EHX2u2Ru1G115CmXF16Suq4 server030.id30104.storj.dk 30104 2001:67c:238:168:: SM01 /disk222/ 3 SN server105 18-07-2021 1DSEhme9s67Ri7zR6vZZYYoKdYYJUzauaJzwZjTrGWCKvGcVDj server030.id30105.storj.dk 30105 2001:67c:238:169:: SM01 /disk223/ 3 SN server106 18-07-2021 1t93c25htqo1owiwLF5ztoz4jMXF9EjCRbxWNcvxosBqLoQdHp server030.id30106.storj.dk 30106 2001:67c:238:16a:: SM01 /disk224/ 3 SN server107 18-07-2021 1VQwReXCgCVNuGQNntPtGg2fiDTGiPfPAd3CxgesYLo7zdJLsG server030.id30107.storj.dk 30107 2001:67c:238:16b:: SM01 /disk225/ 3 SN ---------- Server stats archive : http://www.th3van.dk/serverstats-archive/ Earning per node : http://www.th3van.dk/storj-earnings/ ---------- If you want to run a node, the easy link is https://storj.io Node setup guide : https://storj.io/node Setup guide for Storj DCS: http://docs.storj.io/node Storj are trademarks of Storj Labs Inc. - https://storj.io th3van@storj.dk ---------- Tue Nov 22 00:21:25 CEST 2022 : All nodes updated to v1.67.3 Wed Oct 12 20:32:10 CEST 2022 : Started the process of updating all nodes to V1.65.1 Mon Oct 03 18:06:04 CEST 2022 : Mirgation of server057 -> server090 has completed. The rest of the nodes (server091 -> server107) will be migrated as soon as the SuperChassis 847E1C-R1K23JBOD and Broadcom eHBA 9600-16e arrives. Fri Sep 23 11:25:34 CEST 2022 : Migration of server057 -> server090 to the new storage hdd's, has begun... server057 - disk201 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk255 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server058 - disk202 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk256 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server059 - disk203 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk257 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server060 - disk204 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk258 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server061 - disk205 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk259 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server062 - disk206 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk260 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server063 - disk207 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk261 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server064 - disk208 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk262 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server065 - disk209 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk263 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server066 - disk210 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk264 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server067 - disk211 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk265 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server068 - disk212 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk266 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server069 - disk213 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk267 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server070 - disk214 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk268 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server071 - disk215 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk269 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server072 - disk216 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk270 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server073 - disk217 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk271 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server074 - disk218 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk272 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server075 - disk219 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk273 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server076 - disk220 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk274 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server077 - disk221 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk275 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server078 - disk222 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk276 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server079 - disk223 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk277 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server080 - disk224 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk278 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server081 - disk225 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk279 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server082 - disk226 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk280 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server083 - disk201 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk281 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server084 - disk202 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk282 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server085 - disk203 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk283 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server086 - disk204 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk284 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server087 - disk205 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk285 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server088 - disk206 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk286 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server089 - disk207 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk287 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) server090 - disk208 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk288 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Sat Aug 13 02:25:15 CEST 2022 : SN updated to pre-release V1.62.0-rc and it looks like the node DB is updated from version 53 -> 54. That might be the reason, why my script can't pull "total storage used" and storj earnings data from the DB. Guess I'll have to wait for the propper release then :) Wed Jun 15 21:49:41 CEST 2022 : Removing the old SN data has completed. Stats has been re-activated. Mon Jun 13 21:26:01 CEST 2022 : Data has been migrated and all nodes are up and running again. The process of removing the old data (26 x 3 TB from disk201 -> 226) has started... Sat Jun 11 14:33:50 CEST 2022 : All stats has been turned off until migration of server028-056 is completed. Each server contains about 3 TB of data. Server028 - disk201 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk227 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server029 - disk202 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk228 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server030 - disk203 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk229 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server034 - disk204 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk230 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server035 - disk205 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk231 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server036 - disk206 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk232 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server037 - disk207 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk233 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server038 - disk208 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk234 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server039 - disk209 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk235 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server040 - disk210 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk236 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server041 - disk211 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk237 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server042 - disk212 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk238 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server043 - disk213 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk239 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server044 - disk214 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk240 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server045 - disk215 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk241 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server046 - disk216 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk242 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server047 - disk217 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk243 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server048 - disk218 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk244 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server049 - disk219 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk245 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server050 - disk220 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk246 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server051 - disk221 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk247 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server052 - disk222 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk248 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server053 - disk223 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk249 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server054 - disk224 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk250 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server055 - disk225 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk251 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Server056 - disk226 (16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) --> disk252 (20 TB Seagate Exos X20 ST20000NM002D) Sat Jun 11 05:43:58 CEST 2022 : Migration of server028 -> server056 (except for 031 + 033) to the new storage pool, has begun... Sat Jun 11 04:29:45 CEST 2022 : Added 26 x Seagate Exos X20 (ST20000NM002D) 20 TB to the storage pool Tue May 31 00:49:53 CEST 2022 : Added "Mount point" and "storage.path" to HDD overview and Storage nodes list Thu May 12 15:57:13 CEST 2022 : SN updated to V1.54.2 Sat Mar 26 04:20:09 CEST 2022 : Added info about number of backup nodes, that are to be used if one or more of the primany nodes should crash and needs to be replaced. Runing 128 nodes on on sigle IP would not be getting much data, but the held amount (payment) will be gone after 10 months, regardless of how many nodes that are running on the same IP. All 128 Nodes has been started @ 22/12-2021 and hosted @ hestzner on a single VPS. Sat Mar 19 20:18:27 CEST 2022 : SN updated to V1.50.4 Thu Mar 17 02:54:50 CEST 2022 : SN updated to V1.50.3 Sat Jan 29 17:43:58 CEST 2022 : SN updated to V1.47.3 Sat Jan 15 01:06:33 CEST 2022 : zkSync wallet address added - https://zkscan.io/explorer/accounts/0x165a1da6f4d3c0555a9e1f94288a7e17bd14f7d1 Sat Nov 06 11:32:05 CEST 2021 : SN updated to v1.42.4 Fri Oct 08 02:12:44 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.40.4 Mon Jul 12 21:25:01 CEST 2021 : Unfortantly, the RAID6 system lost 3 x HDD's at once, which resultet in losing all the SN data for node 002->130 (031 and 033 are both untouched and working fine) I think it's the backplane in the Supermicro JBOD chassis that was maulfunching, and therefor crashed the entire 350 TB storage system. So moving forward I'm looking into replacing the entire Supermicro JOB chassis with a newer one like this : CSE-946SE1C-R1K66JBOD (60 x 3.5" HDD's) Thu Jun 10 10:20:01 CEST 2021 : Added server054 --> server130 as backup nodes if any of the primary nodes should be DQ. Wed Jun 09 01:07:55 CEST 2021 : Using BrightSilence's "Earnings calculator" script, it's now possible to follow ernings on each node. Updated every hour -->> http://www.th3van.dk/storj-earnings/ Mon Jun 07 00:01:04 CEST 2021 : The process of updating all 51 SN to v1.31.2 has just started. Roundtrip sould be within the next 24 hours. Sat May 29 03:48:18 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.30.2 Wed Apr 28 03:12:06 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.28.2 Thu Apr 22 02:12:10 CEST 2021 : server046/047/048/049/050/051/052/053 now with uniqe wan IP Thu Apr 22 02:11:52 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.27.6 Thu Apr 8 00:26:25 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.26.3 Wed Mar 31 23:05:55 CEST 2021 : Added 8 more nodes (soon with uniqe wan IP's) Wed Mar 24 23:40:52 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.25.2 Tue Mar 23 03:00:46 CEST 2021 : Added 2 more nodes - Server031 and server033 Server031 is a ODROID-HC2 ( https://www.hardkernel.com/shop/odroid-hc2-home-cloud-two ) equipped with a Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM001G - 16 TB HDD. It has been running perfectly since July 2020, and I haven't had any issues with it ever since. Wallet infos for server031 can be found here : https://etherscan.io/token/0xb64ef51c888972c908cfacf59b47c1afbc0ab8ac?a=0xB5346FcA76511BA2D6a8cC793173111D7858f1E0 Server033 is an Supermicro server with currently 5 x 4 TB Samsung SSD 860 QVO HDD's on a AVAGO MegaRAID SAS 9480-8i8e controller running HW Raid-6. SSD's will be added as SN data grows... Mon Mar 22 16:30:00 CEST 2021 : server042/043/044/045 now with uniqe wan IP Fri Mar 5 02:19:31 CEST 2021 : Added 4 more nodes (soon with uniqe wan IP's) Sat Feb 27 23:59:14 CEST 2021 : Added 8 more nodes Sat Feb 27 23:49:14 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.24.4 Sun Feb 14 00:31:18 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.22.2 Tue Jan 5 02:43:11 CEST 2021 : SN updated to V1.19.6 Thu Nov 12 00:28:39 CEST 2020 : Added a list with infos on the new storage nodes. Tue Nov 10 03:48:55 CEST 2020 : Well, things didnt go as planed ;( I completed the move of ~230TB from the old to the new HDD system, but last weekend i added a new 16TB HDD to the system, and started the migration... But unfortantly, i found out that swapping the SAS controller while doing that, is NOT a good idea. The entire raid6 went into the "foregin config mode", and could not be imported again. So I decided a fresh start was in place, and fired up 29 new Storage Nodes. There's plenty of space now (~350 TB) but we'll have to wait for them be be vetted, before we start seeing more data comming in ( and out for that matter ;) Tue Sep 8 00:27:44 CEST 2020 : The process of moving all SN data (230 TB) to a new storage system (24 x 16TB Seagate Exos X16 ST16000NM002G) has begun. The old system was beginnig to where off and also consumed to much power. Speed is not great (about 16MB/sec) but should pick up as more and more data are removed from the old storage system. The 29 SN will be moved one by one to the new storage, and will be restarted as such. Thu Aug 27 23:28:29 CEST 2020 : SN updated to V1.11.1 Sun Aug 23 05:24:42 CEST 2020 : SN updated to V1.10.1 Tue Jul 28 18:22:04 CEST 2020 : SN updated to V1.9.5